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Measuring employee experience is the way forward for your business

Measuring employee experience has become more and more important to organizations since the global pandemic.

This is partially due to a phenomenon known as ‘the great resignation’. This term describes the increase in employees choosing to leave their jobs voluntarily post-COVID.

According to statistics, the rate of employees voluntarily quitting their jobs is 25 percent higher when compared to pre-pandemic levels.

Thus, it’s easy to see why organizations are placing an importance on measuring employee’s experience. Ensuring your staff are having a positive experience will stop them from seeking alternative employment.

The importance of measuring employee experience

The first step to solving any problem is knowing its origin. By measuring employee experience, you can see where the issues are.

Then, you can find solutions.

For example, there is little point in trying to find solutions to in-house training problems if the main cause of staff disillusionment is company culture.

Likewise, if your employees are struggling to get to grips with new software, providing more team building days isn’t going to improve their happiness in the job.

It is important to dig deeper than just whether employees are happy or not.

This can give you information on what your company is doing well, but it will also allow you to know where there is room for improvement.

Having that information could be the difference between you keeping your best staff, or them searching for work elsewhere.

Tools to measure employee happiness

When measuring employee experience, you can either choose the traditional or the contemporary route.

The traditional option is for your HR team to design a survey for employees, measuring their satisfaction on subjects within a questionnaire.

This option can be cost effective, but answers given can lack depth.

Alternatively, the likes of Culture Amp have surveys designed by data scientists and psychologists. These surveys tap into the areas staff are unhappy with and where issues can be solved that you may not think of.

They also look into what behavioral changes are needed to improve the overall employee experience within an organization.

The above two options are for staff members that are embedded within the organization. You can also learn a great deal from employee’s who are joining, and leaving, the company.

Exit and onboarding interviews are essential to knowing how you can improve the overall employee experience.

Common factors that affect employee experience

Of course, the list of things that affect an employee’s contentment are endless. However, there are a few elements that consistently come up in these surveys.

Below are a few common problems that should always be discussed when measuring employee experience.


As obvious as it sounds, employees’ happiness is often dictated by the salary that goes along with the job. If they feel unmotivated due to what they view as unfair renumeration, then it’s also likely their productivity will also suffer.

Regular salary reviews can ensure all staff members are satisfied. However, it’s an area where businesses have to be careful that the right balance is being achieved.


Employee satisfaction may be dictated by the amount of flexibility they have within their role. For instance, many staff became accustomed to having the option of working from home during lockdown.

However, this can also apply to when an employee’s work is done and the methods they use to complete said tasks. It is important that this is an area that is discussed when measuring employee experience.


If staff members feel as though they are in a dead-end job, then it’s unlikely they will be happy. More to the point, it’s likely they will be unproductive and eventually seek alternative employment.

As an organization, it is paramount that you ensure to the best of your resources that employees have upward mobility. Of course, without good communication and measurement tools, not every business will spot this as an issue.

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Problems with company culture aren’t always easy to spot.

That is why it is essential to measure this and include questions in surveys about culture, teamwork, and morale.


Companies need to understand that it’s often the little things that bother employees.

For instance, if you are an employee who is arriving at work every day only to find there is no parking facility for your vehicle, while you pass spaces that are reserved for company executives only to find them sitting empty. This can make you feel under-appreciated and devalue your employee experience.

Technology can be used to solves these facility problems. Such a solution is Wayleadr, which ensures optimal space occupancy and equitable assignment of spaces.


If you don’t know the problem exists, then you won’t know it needs to be solved.

In essence, that is why you should be measuring employee experience: because it can give you insight into how you can keep your best staff and continue growing as a company.

Book a demo now to learn how Wayleadr can help you measure and enhance the employee experience at your organization.

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