What are the best Australian car park systems?

The best Australian car park systems involve a multi-faceted approach.

These include both traditional hardware (such as barriers) and parking management software that can ensure efficiency and be used to effectively communicate with all users.

There are over 20 million cars on the road in Australia and each one of those cars need somewhere to park.

Thankfully, if you are running your business’ car lot, you only have to deal with a tiny proportion of these vehicles. However, if you have invested in the wrong Australian car park system, or not invested at all, it can feel as though all of Australia’s car park problems have landed on you.

An Australian workers’ average commute is over four hours per week and if the wrong car park system is in place, this can grow needlessly.

Over time, business’s answer to car parking difficulty has changed. Traditionally, the focus was plainly on security, with the likes of efficiency and communication largely ignored.

Traditional Australian car park systems

Traditionally, when Australian businesses ran into difficulty with their lots, they employed simple hardware solutions. Barriers and gates were the most common answers in this instance.

Although these solutions offered something in the way of security, they didn’t deal with many of the other issues associated.

For instance, a barrier on its own does nothing to combat efficiency around occupancy. Another issue is, with this solution employees are still arriving at the office unsure of whether or not they have a space.

Of course, this leads to off-site parking when the lot is full, with either the disgruntled employee or company incurring the cost. These hardware systems also have staffing needs. This is another expense for business which an automated solution can get rid of.

With more and more Australian businesses offering a hybrid structure to the working week, this single-minded solution simply isn’t enough anymore.

Globalization and Australian car park systems

Globalization has led to more innovation in this area and Australian car park systems have been improving over the last number of years.

This modernization has led to some of the best companies within this area choosing Australia as a place to work.

For instance, Wayleadr offers a fully integrated solution and has helped solve the problems of several companies based in this region.

Wayleadr’s car park management software solves many of the issues that businesses run into within their lots. The solution tackles issues around occupancy, communication, flexible work environments, sustainability, and much more.

They also offer the capability to integrate with existing hardware systems, such as barriers, RFID and license plate readers, to name a few. This is ideal if you want to maintain your existing security, while modernizing your approach to parking.

Alstom & Wayleadr

An example of an Australian office using Wayleadr’s car park solutions is Alstom.

Alstom’s ANZ HQ is located in the North Ryde business district just outside of Sydney, where currently they have roughly 170 employees working.

Their issues around parking had gotten so bad that they had actually closed their employee parking lot.

Many of these issues related to a misuse of space, with senior staff having places reserved and not actually using them. At the same time, other employees weren’t able to find a space at allwith reserved parking spots laying empty.

However, after rolling out Wayleadr’s availability & allocation features to automate and optimize employee parking, Alstom was able to reopen their lot.

This led to 100% parking occupancy over a year. The automation of once manual tasks also led to a drastic improvement in efficiency and one which improved employee’s moral.

Julie Winter, Office Manager, tells how Wayleadr was the best option for them.

“I would spend hours everyday helping people find somewhere to park. I was pretty much becoming a parking attendant. It was incredibly time consuming and incredibly inefficient”

Julie Winter, Office Manager, Alstom ANZ

Future solutions for Australia’s car park needs

There was a time when a barrier was enough for a car lot, but that time has passed. It is a solution from the past, that doesn’t deal with the way we want to work today.

The technology used on a daily basis has changed, as have schedules. Technology and flexible working situations need to be considered in designing car parks.

Australian car park systems, are not unlike any others in the world. They must be efficient, integrate with different access control systems and facilitate flexible working conditions,

Wayleadr’s software solution does all of that and more! For instance, staff can simply open the app, check availability, book spaces, and communicate their schedules.

Wayleadr is taking a proactive approach to solving parking problems of today, but also tackling the issues of the future.

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