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How Wayleadr’s data can influence your employee’s happiness


  • The work commute is a major factor in employee job satisfaction.
  • Having efficient last mile automation has a positive impact on workers’ morale.
  • Commuting to work is not just a logistical issue; it also impacts the environment, morale and the overall well-being of employees.

Salary (63%), job growth (63%), and feeling respected (57%) remain the top reasons for employees to stay or leave their jobs. 

However, recent studies have shown other emerging factors. They include the quality of an employees’ commute to work. 

Research has shown  that 23% of workers have left a job due to an unpleasant travel experience going to and from the workplace.

Our last-mile automation software converts data into practical processes. These help improve your worker’s commuting experiences, so you can avoid this fate with your staff.

Reduce travel time within a flexible work model

Wayleadr helps employees reduce their overall travel time. One way we do this is by informing managers of the number of employees who will be using their car spaces on any given day. 

With a flexible work model, managers can then spread out the working times of employees who use their cars to commute. In doing so, they will also reduce the traffic in the immediate routes leading to the office.

By helping employees have an efficient work travel time, you increase the chances of starting your organization’s work day on a more positive note. Considering that longer commutes are associated with higher levels of stress, poor performance and less resilience, this small change could actually have a big effect on your business. 

Real-Time Notifications

Last-mile automation’s real-time notification features and booking system make it easy for your employees to know whether they have an available car space BEFORE heading out their door.

This takes the guesswork out of deciding whether to drive to the office or just use other means of travel. Reduced uncertainties translates to decreased stress, which can translate to a more pleasant and productive work day. 

Fair Allocation of Parking Slots

It is a usual practice in corporate offices to have parking spaces reserved for upper management, employees with company-issued vehicles (for service / sales calls and other field meetings) and individuals with disabilities. 

During the times when employees with priority parking are not be reporting to the office, how are these parking slots made available for others? Unfortunately, they are often left vacant, even when the rest of the lot is full.

Wayleadr’s real-time data allows your company to release unused parking spaces, so resources are maximized. 

Employees with priority slots utilize the app to free up car spaces on the days when they will not be coming to the office.

Last mile automation also helps organizations allocate parking slots fairly, which reduces tension among staff.

Experience the power of parking benefits

Try Wayleadr's parking benefits and see how they can help you improve employee retention and morale

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Incentivize Desired Behavior

With last mile automation software, you can collect information relating to car space bookings. 

To encourage employees to move away from driving daily, you can offer incentives. For example, employees can be given benefits, if they do not use their vehicle to report to the office for a number of days each month.

If you gear your incentive programs towards minimizing your company’s carbon footprint, it will likely appeal to your workforce’s sense of social responsibility. 

Statistics support this idea. For instance, 74% of employees feel their jobs are more meaningful when they have the chance to make an  impact on social and environmental challenges.

You can also use data obtained by last mile automation to provide regular updates to shareholders on the positive environmental impact your organization is accomplishing. Most employees will be happy and proud to be part of a company who is making deliberate steps to reduce its carbon footprint. 

Looking for some real-life examples? Check out how companies like Colliers International, Version 1 & Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt have solved their parking problems.

Make Your Data Work for You

Wayleadr provides companies with the tools needed to gather data to form and implement sustainable and efficient work travel policies. Commuting is not just a logistical issue.

It also affects the environment, employee’s health and well-being, and even interpersonal relationships in the workplace. 

It’s time to put people and the planet at the heartbeat of your employee parking system. Let Wayleadr show you the way. Book a free demo with Wayleadr today. 

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